Ryan Haag: Focused on campus energy efficiency

White man with brown hair and greying beard smiles at the camera; greenery behind him

Ryan Haag

Energy Analyst

I currently work as the university’s Energy Analyst in the Sustainability Department at Campus Planning and Facilities Management. I’ve been working in the Energy Office for about six years since earning an Energy Management associate degree from Lane Community College. 

My job is to oversee the collection, monitoring, and reporting of the university’s energy data and to provide analysis to various stakeholders on things like building performance, central plant performance, budgeting, energy procurement/contracting, efficiency projects and initiatives, and pretty much anything energy related. In general, I’m focused on energy efficiency in campus systems, resource conservation, and cost reduction.

I’ve left a winding set of footprints on my way to the university, having had the good fortune to live in many beautiful places here in America and abroad. While living in Hawaii, I became engaged with the climate crisis which led to my interest in energy management and fuels my passion for energy efficiency. We have a lot of interesting opportunities on campus to conserve resources, and I love working with others on these shared goals. “Continuous Improvement” is my mantra at work.

I grew up in Montana (mostly) where I loved camping more than anything. I got a BA in Art from a little college in Minnesota, then lived in Asia for several years. I’ve always been involved in some artistic endeavor of one kind or another and right now it’s a novel I’ve been working on for about five years (slowly but surely). I’ve always found that a creative outlet sprinkled with a healthy dose of meditation keeps my boat floating along.

These days I’m a bona fide homebody and enjoy working on things around the house—which I share with my wife and two cats—while spicing things up with the occasional hike or day trip to the coast. I love Thai food and coffee, and chicken with rice will forever be my go-to comfort food. If you ever want to shoot some pool or play a game of chess…just let me know.

(February 2025)