VPFA Leadership Excellence and Development Series

Jamie Moffitt


"As supervisors it can be both challenging and rewarding to lead teams. Research shows that the care and commitment that we all take in managing staff is absolutely critical to the success and well-being of our employees and the institution. For some time, I’ve been envisioning a program that could support and strengthen the skills of VPFA supervisors to manage the complex challenges of leadership across a wide variety of operational areas. I’m excited to share that vision has come to fruition. The VPFA Leadership Excellence and Development Series (LEADS) has been developed as an investment in our supervisory staff to help each of us thrive in our roles as team leaders."

Jamie Moffitt, Senior VPFA and CFO

Training Content

The pilot cohort of LEADS was held January-June 2023, and the fourth cohort of supervisors will go through training in July-December 2024.

VPFA LEADS was designed with three areas of focus:

  • Soft skill development such as effective communication, engagement, and conflict resolution,
    • Technical skill development in areas such as labor relations, including information about UO-specific labor contracts, that supervisors need to be effective in their roles, and
  • Networking opportunities for supervisors across different departments.

Each cohort is guided through six skill-development sessions over the course of six months. The content areas are as follows:

JULY 2024

Half-day sessions (monthly: AUGUST through December 2024)

Half day: Orientation to VPFA LEADS

Half day: Effective Communication

Full day: Situational Leadership Essentials 

Employee Engagement 
Conflict Resolution 
Process Improvement 
Change Management 
Employee and Labor Relations (ELR) and Performance Management

Training Dates for July - December 2024

All sessions are scheduled as in-person training--there are no remote participation options at this point. Full-day sessions will include breakfast and lunch. Half-day sessions will include breakfast. These are the dates for the July-December 2024 LEADS sessions--it is unlikely but possible that these dates will change.

  • Tuesday, July 9: 8:30am-4pm
  • Wednesday, July 10: 8:30am-5pm
  • Tuesday, August 13: 8:30am-1pm
  • Tuesday, September 10: 8:30am-1pm
  • Tuesday, October 8: 8:30am-1pm
  • Tuesday, November 12: 8:30am-1pm
  • Tuesday, December 10: 8:30am-1pm

Applications for the Summer 2024 LEADS cohort are closed, Thank you for your interest.

Frequently Asked Questions

Which VPFA (Finance and Administration) supervisors are required to participate in the LEADS training?

Content is designed to be interactive and valuable for supervisors in every stage of their career, from emerging managers to seasoned leaders. VPFA LEADS will will continue to be offered twice yearly to allow all VPFA supervisors an opportunity to participate. See the VPFA org chart to understand more about the departments that are part of the portfolio.

How much does the program cost?

There is no department cost for this program.

I am a supervisor in the VPFA portfolio. I want to participate but I am unable to attend all of the scheduled trainings. May I still sign up?

Participants are asked to commit to attendance at all sessions. If you have an unavoidable conflict with one of the sessions, please let us know. Depending on which session you are unable to attend, we may be able to offer a make-up opportunity at a later date.

Is there a remote or hybrid attendance option?

Sessions are currently being held in person. A fully remote training program will be held in the future to accommodate VPFA supervisors whose workplaces are not located on the Eugene campus and are therefore unable to attend a the training series in person.

How do I apply for the program?

Thank you for your enthusiasm. Applications for the next cohort will will open in October 2024.

Who has participated in the LEADS trainings to date?

  • Administrative Services
    • Alex Koleber, Business Analyst Supervisor, FASS-IT
    • Dan Shepard, Financial Manager, FASS Business Operations
    • Heather Nunn, Assistant Director, FASS Business Operations, Purchasing and Logistics
    • Justin Porter, Director, FASS-IT
    • Lisa Howard, Director, Business Operations, FASS
    • Megan DeLaney, Interim Service Team Manager 
    • Melissa Koval, Assistant Director, FASS Human Resources
    • Serena Jaspera, Associate Director, Human Resources, Provost's Administrative Services Team 
  • Business Affairs
    • Brooke Millett Montgomery, Travel Manager, Business Affairs
    • Diane Huffman Carl, Accounts Payable Manager, Business Affairs: Financial Services
    • Jeff Schumacher, Director of Treasury Operations, Business Affairs: Treasury Operations
    • Kathleen Brown, Accounts Receivable Manager, Business Affairs
    • Mark McCulloch, Director IT Business Affairs Information Systems
    • Stuart Mellor, Financial Reporting Manager, Business Affairs
  • Budget, Financial Analysis, and Data Analytics
    • Brady Nittmann, Director of Academic Budget, Budget, Financial Analytics and Data Analysis
    • JP Monroe, Director, Institutional Research
  • Campus Planning and Facilities Management
    • Aaron Olsen, Senior Planner, Campus Planning
    • Bruce Budzik, Small Projects Manager, Capital Improvement Coordinator, Design and Construction
    • David Cates, Design Manager and Staff Architect, Design and Construction
    • Emily Eng, Director, Campus Planning
    • Esther Foss, Space Analyst, Campus Planning
    • Justin Grishkin, Construction Services Manager, Facilities Services
    • LeAnna Pitts, Assistant Director Work Control, Facilities
    • Rosalee Clanton, Landscape Supervisor, Facilities Landscape
    • Sarah Stoeckl, Assistant Director, Office of Sustainability
    • Shaun Frasier, Plumbing and Mechanical Shop Manager, Facilities
    • Stacy Breaux, Building Automation Systems Supervisor, Facilities
    • Timothy Winder, Custodial Services Manager, Facilities
    • Tom Shepard, Senior Associate Director of Capital Projects, Design and Construction
  • Campus Services
    • Adrian Cruz, Shuttle Program Manager, Transportation Services
    • Alex Milshtein, Office Specialist, Campus Services: Transportation Services
    • April Nero, Manager, Campus Services: Print Services
    • Dann Perry, Assistant Manager
    • James McGladrey, Assistant Director Field Operations, Transportation Services
    • Tamara Clark, Director, Campus Services: Vivian Olum Child Development Center
  • Human Resources
    • Anne Willis, Assistant Director of Benefits
    • Brittany Jayne, Assistant Director of Employee and Labor Relations
    • Catherine Bonomini-Smith, Senior Associate Director, HR Operations
    • Crystal Farset, Retirement Benefits Coordinator, Retirement Plans Management
    • Sue Russell, Executive Assistant and Strategic Initiatives Coordinator, University Human Resources
  • Information Services
    • Andrew Morgan, Manager of Communications Infrastructure,
    • Ben Brinkley, Director of Teaching and Learning Technology
    • Chris Wiesemann, Interim Data Center Infrastructure Manager
    • Cleven Mmari, Director of IT Security Compliance
    • Dan Majchrzak, Director of Research Advance Computing Services (RACS)
    • Derek Wormdahl, Senior Director of Solutions Development and Data Services
    • Duncan Barth, Interim Director of Information Security Services
    • Gary Sullivan, Senior Director, User Support Services
    • Jeff Jones, Director Digital Work Experience
    • Joe Mailander, Assistant Director Network Operations
    • Jon Miyake, CyberSecurity Operations Center Manager
    • José A. Domínguez, Interim Chief Information Security Officer
    • Katie Harsh. USS Manager
    • Ken Loge, Manager USS Academic South,
    • Loring Hummel, Associate Director and Principal Architect
    • Louie Vidmar, Critical IT Systems Mapping Specialist
    • Melodie Moore, Presentation Services Program Specialist
    • Melody Riley Ralphs, ACIO Enterprise Solutions, Information Services
    • Mike Glover Moresi, Knowledge Manager
    • Mike Orr, USS Manager
    • Rebecca Albrich, Data Center Operations Manger 
    • Travis Shea, Business Intelligence Manager
    • Tyfanie Wineriter, Manager of Software Solutions and Development
  • Safety and Risk Services
    • Adam Jones, Environmental Services Manager
    • Haily Griffith, Occupational Health & Safety Manager
    • Lisa Taylor, Assistant Director Risk Management and Insurance
    • Steve Stuckmeyer, Director, Environmental Health and Safety

Who do I contact if I have other questions?

If you have further questions about VPFA LEADS, contact Deborah Butler at deborahb@uoregon.edu or 541-346-3046.

Room of people seated at desks working on laptops or paper assignments; some talking animatedly; one man with glasses standing observing.
Chuck Kalnbach, Senior Instructor in Management, College of Business, in a Change Management exercise
Jon Marchetta, AVP for FASS, leads the group in a session on process improvement
Jon Marchetta, AVP of FASS, leads the group in an exercise on process management 
Woman in red shirt and black jacket addresses a room of people seated in groups of four
Jamie Moffitt, Senior VPFA and CFO, welcomes the second LEADS cohort in July 2023
Groups of people deep in discussion looking at flipcharts
Groups discuss Situational Leadership principles in January 2024
LEADS participants work through conflict management scenarios
LEADS participants work through conflict management scenarios
Groups of supervisors reflect on and discuss employee engagement tools
Groups of LEADS supervisors discuss employee engagement tools
VPFA Jamie Moffitt opens the LEADS training session: woman in a black jacket and grey trousers at the front of the room talking to about 20 seated people with their backs to the camera
VPFA Jamie Moffitt welcomes the first LEADS cohort in January 2023
Six seated LEADS participants looking intently at laptop screens and documents while completing a change management simulation
LEADS participants work through a simulation on change management
Woman with long sandy hair and a gray jacket addresses a seated group; slide reads Engagement - What does this even mean?
Sandee Bybee (HR) talks with the group about employee engagement

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