Delegation of Contract Signature Authority

Deans, directors, and department heads, as well as other qualified individuals, have the authority to approve expenses within the constraints of their budgets and operations. While they may sign internal documents authorizing the use of university resources, the authority to sign legal instruments with third parties that legally bind the university is limited to a narrower set of individuals in order to ensure our legal obligations are appropriately vetted and reviewed. Contract Officers must also participate in annual training. 

Pursuant to the UO Procurement and Contracting Code, the UO Vice President for Finance and Administration (VPFA) may authorize certain university officers and employees to execute legal instruments (i.e., agreements, contracts, memoranda of understanding, memoranda of agreement, letters of agreement, personal services contracts, purchase orders, procurement card authorizations, and any other document legally binding on or committing the resources of the university) and these individuals are hereby designated "Contract Officers." Contract Officers are delegated signature authority via individual memoranda signed by the VPFA. Unless expressly authorized to do so, no Contract Officer may further delegate their signature authority, and their authority may be modified or revoked at any time by the VPFA.

The following table shows all VPFA-delegated Contract Officers by position, name, and the types of agreements they are approved to sign, as of January 16, 2025. The Chief Procurement Officer is authorized to delegate signature authority for certain approved contract templates up to $25,000. Those approved by the Chief Procurement Office are listed on the Purchasing and Contracting Services (PCS) website. Unless you are listed in the table below as a Contract Officer or have been approved through PCS, you do not have signature authority.

A memo outlining Contract Officers' obligations related to due diligence, legal review, and securing appropriate approvals pursuant to UO policies or procedures is distributed annually. Questions about VPFA delegations may be directed to Deborah Butler, Associate Vice President for Campus Services and Chief of Staff (

Officer (Employee)*
Agreement or Instrument(does not include individual employment-related agreements)
President (John Karl Scholz)
All Agreements and Instruments (authority conferred per the President’s employment contract).
Provost & Senior Vice President (Christopher Long)
All Agreements and Instruments (authority conferred per UO Procurement and Contracting Code and per delegation by the president).
Senior Vice President, Finance & Administration (Jamie Moffitt) 
All Agreements and Instruments (authority conferred per UO Procurement and Contracting Code and per delegation by the president).
May further delegate signature authority for Agreements and Instruments
Associate Vice President for Business Affairs and Controller  (Kelly Wolf)

All Agreements and Instruments valued at $2,000,000 and less; All agreements and instruments related to the university’s commercial banking relationships valued at $5,000,000 or less in compliance with the University Board of Trustees’ policy on the retention and delegation of authority, including:

  • Demand deposit accounts
  • Account collateralization agreements
  • Lines of Credit
  • Merchant accounts (credit/debit card processing)
Associate Vice President, Campus Planning and Facilities Management, and University Architect (Michael Harwood)
Instruments for construction/maintenance related agreements valued at $2,000,000 or less; Instruments for construction related to capital construction and capital repair agreements valued at $2,000,000 or less; Instruments for engineering, architecture, planning, and design services valued at $2,000,000 or less;  Energy incentive instruments for capital construction and capital repair projects valued at $250,000 or less; Real estate instruments valued at $25,000 or less; Regulatory permitting instruments required for capital construction or capital repair projects; and permits required by environmental regulatory agencies.
Director, Capital Construction, Campus Planning and Facilities Management (Darin Dehle)
Instruments for construction/maintenance related agreements valued at $500,000 or less; Instruments for construction related to capital construction and capital repair agreements valued at $500,000 or less; Instruments for engineering, architecture, planning, and design services valued at $500,000 or less; Energy incentive instruments for capital construction and capital repair projects valued at $150,000 or less; Regulatory permitting instruments required for capital construction or capital repair projects; and permits required by environmental regulatory agencies as they relate to capital construction and capital repair projects.
Senior Associate Director, Capital Projects, Campus Planning and Facilities Management (Tom Shepard)
Instruments for construction/maintenance related agreements valued at $500,000 or less; Instruments for construction related to capital construction and capital repair agreements valued at $500,000 or less; Instruments for engineering, architecture, planning, and design services valued at $500,000 or less; Energy incentive instruments for capital construction and capital repair projects valued at $150,000 or less; Permits required by environmental regulatory agencies as they relate to capital construction and capital repair projects.
Assistant Director of Energy and Utility Systems, Design and Construction, Campus Planning, Design and Construction (Jeff Madsen) 
Energy incentive instruments for capital construction and capital repair projects valued at $50,000 or less; Permits required by environmental regulatory agencies as they relate to capital construction and capital repair projects.
Vice President and Chief Human Resources Officer (Mark Schmelz)
Settlement agreements related to grievances and other personnel matters valued at up to $50,000.

Director of Talent Acquisition and Class and Compensation (Jenna Schuttpelz) 

All instruments and agreements with any federal, state, or local governing body necessary to obtain either temporary or permanent immigration and work authorization status for current and prospective employees. This includes, but is not limited to, all forms, applications, certifications, letters, and documents of any kind required by a governing body to determine or authorize immigration and work authorization status.

Director of Retirement Plans Management (Gay Lynn Bath) 
Instruments concerning retirement plans: $250,000 or less.
Vice President for Safety and Risk Services and Chief Resilience Officer (André Le Duc)
Property claims: $250,000 or less, with advance notice to SVPFA required for claims over $100,000; General liability claims: $50,000 or less, with advance notice to SVPFA required for claims over $15,000; Auto Liability Claims: $60,000 or less for third party settlements (no attorney involved). This includes property damage of a third party; Permit required reports, applications, and other related documentation associated with the University of Oregon NPDES Permit #102585 and other required reporting for City of Eugene storm water and wastewater management systems; Authorizations and requests for Military Aerial Support at UO-sponsored events.

Director of Risk Management and Insurance (Lisa Taylor)

Property claims: $100,000 or less, with advance notice to Vice President for Safety and Risk Services and Chief Resilience Officer (AVP/CRO);General liability claims: $30,000 or less for third party settlements (no attorney involved); Auto Liability Claims: $40,000 or less for third party settlements (no attorney involved), with advance notification to AVP/CRO. Primary authority for the University's OLCC licenses and for approval of "Requests for Permission to Serve Alcoholic Beverages."

Assistant Director of Risk Management and Insurance (Kelly Fondren)

Property claims: $25,000 or less, with advance notice to Vice President for Safety and Risk Services and Chief Resilience Officer (AVP/CRO);General liability claims: $10,000 or less for third party settlements (no attorney involved); Auto Liability Claims: $10,000 or less for third party settlements (no attorney involved), with advance notification to AVP/CRO. 

Vice Provost, UO Portland (Jane Gordon) and Director of Finance and Operations, UO Portland (Carrie Toth)
For approval of "Requests for Permission to Serve Alcoholic Beverages" at the White Stag facility or at the 109 NW Naito Building in Portland, Oregon.

Dean and Vice Provost, Division of Global Engagement (Dennis Galvan) and Director of Scholar Services, Division of Global Engagement (Lindsay Pepper)

All instruments and agreements with any federal, state, or local governing body necessary to obtain either temporary or permanent immigration and work authorization status for current and prospective employees, students, guests, and other individuals participating or engaging in official University activities. This includes, but is not limited to, all forms, applications, certifications, letters, and documents of any kind required by a governing body to determine or authorize immigration and work authorization status.

Vice President for University Advancement (Joe Buck)

All endowment and gift agreements, in compliance with the University Board of Trustees’ policy on the retention and delegation of authority (the Senior Vice President for Finance and Administration must also sign if the endowment or gift agreement is more than $1,000,000). 

Director of Athletics (Rob Mullens)
Game Contracts; Athletic Facility Use Agreements/Leases (Licenses); Revenue Sponsorship Agreements; Contracts for the Purchase of Goods and Services, including professional service contracts under $5,000,000; Agreements between the University and the National Collegiate Athletic Association (the Senior Vice President for Finance and Administration must also sign if the agreement commits UO resources in excess of $1,000,000). 
Deputy Athletic Director/Finance and Administration (Eric Roedl)
Game Contracts; Athletic Facility Use Agreements/Leases (Licenses); Revenue Sponsorship Agreements; Contracts for the Purchase of Goods and Services, including professional service contracts under $5,000,000.
Executive Assistant Athletic Director for Finance and Administration (Billy Blood)
Game Contracts; Athletic Facility Use Agreements/Leases (Licenses); Revenue Sponsorship Agreements; Contracts for the Purchase of Goods and Services, including professional service contracts under $5,000,000.
Senior Associate Athletic Director/Chief Compliance Officer (Jody Sykes); Senior Associate Athletic Director for Development (HJ Cohn)
Game Contracts.
Senior Associate Athletic Director for Facilities and Events (Mike Duncan)
Negotiation with Artists and Promoters for Non-UO Athletic events through the offer/acceptance stage.  Facility Use Agreements/Leases that result from negotiation reviewed and approved by those authorized in Athletics to do so.

Associate Athletic Director for Business Operations (Michael DeMartini)

Contracts with a value of less than or equal to $100,000, using the following purchasing instruments: UO Purchase Order, UO Personal Services Contract, UO Facility Use Agreement (no more than 30 days in duration), UO Incoming Property Loan Agreement, Banquet Event Order under an existing PCS-approved contract, Hotel Addendum, or Trade Services Agreement.

Vice President for Communications and Chief Marketing Officer (Carol Keese)

Trademark licenses and merchandising agreements; Filming agreements; and Instruments related to the University of Oregon’s agreement with Disney Enterprises and the university’s related sub-licenses.

Assistant Vice President of Marketing and Brand Strategy (Lauren Stanfield)
General Counsel-approved template contracts for trademark licenses and merchandising agreements ($100,000 or less).
Vice President and General Counsel (Kevin Reed); Deputy General Counsel (Doug Park)
All Instruments Related to Legal Services; Settlement Instruments; Conciliation Instruments; Contracts for professional or expert witnesses or consultants to provide services or testimony relating to existing or potential litigation or legal matters in which the University is or may become interested.
Associate General Counsel & Assistant General Counsel 
Settlement Instruments and Conciliation Instruments
Chief Procurement Officer, Purchasing and Contracting Services (Greg Shabram)
Contracting (signature) authority for all agreements and instruments; Resolve protests related to a procurement; Determine eligibility for all exemptions to procurement policies and procedures, excluding emergency contracts and special procurements; and Submit documents to the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosive/Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau (ATF/TTB) related to the university's permit as an Industrial Alcohol User.
May further delegate signature authority for contracts and agreements that are $25,000 or less.
Associate Director of Procurement and Contracting Services, Purchasing and Contracting Services
Contracting (signature) authority for all agreements and instruments; Determine eligibility for all exemptions to procurement policies and procedures, excluding emergency contracts and special procurements; Resolve protests related to a procurement.
Strategic Procurement Manager, Purchasing and Contracting Services
Contracting (signature) authority for all agreements and instruments $2,000,000 or less, excluding construction service agreements.
Contracts Manager, Purchasing and Contracting Services
Contracting (signature) authority for all agreements and instruments $1,000,000 or less, excluding construction service agreements.
Contracts Officer, Purchasing and Contracting Services
Contracting (signature) authority for all agreements and instruments $750,000 or less, excluding construction service agreements.
Purchase Card Manager, Purchasing and Contracting Services
Duck Depot transactions of any amount. Contracting (signature) authority for all agreements and instruments $250,000 or less, excluding construction service agreements.

University Contracts Administrator, Purchasing and Contracting Services

Contracting (signature) authority for all agreements and instruments $500,000 or less, excluding construction service agreements.

Contracts Technician 2, Purchasing and Contracting Services
Contracting (signature) authority for all approved form agreements and instruments $500,000 or less, excluding construction service agreements; Contracting (signature) authority for all agreements and instruments $250,000 or less; All contract authority is contingent upon successful completion of the training period described below as documented by a signed statement of completion provided by the employee’s supervisor.
Contracts Technician 1, Purchasing and Contracting Services
All purchase orders $250,000 or less; Contracting (signature) authority for all approved form agreements and instruments $100,000 or less, excluding construction service agreements; Contracting (signature) authority for all agreements and instruments $25,000 or less, including purchase orders; No contract, agreement, or order may extend beyond two years; All contract authority is contingent upon successful completion of the training period described below as documented by a signed statement of completion provided by the employee’s supervisor.
Associate Vice President for Administrative Services (Jon Marchetta)

Purchase orders up to $250,000 for all Purchasing and Contracting Services (PCS)-approved master contracts, price agreements, cooperative agreements, State of Oregon (Department of Administrative Services) agreements, public entity price agreements, and any other master agreement that is determined by PCS to be a valid master agreement that satisfies competitive procurement requirements; and purchase orders for all goods up to $250,000 for any procurement that PCS determines is exempt from the competitive procurement process and for which the vendor agrees to the University’s standard terms and conditions.

Vice President for Research (Anshuman Razdan)

All proposals, grants, contracts, including modifications, and related documents under which the university receives or provides research, instruction, outreach/engagement or other related awards from, or to, an external entity valued at $2,000,000 or less.  Such related documents include: sub-grants, sub-contracts, and sub-awards; services agreements; legal instruments governed by the Federal Acquisition Regulations (FARs); consortium agreements and memoranda of understanding for the conduct of research; cooperative agreements for the conduct of research, instruction, outreach/engagement or other related awards; technology transfer instruments; non-disclosure/confidentiality agreements pertaining to research; agreements to provide services using UO research equipment; and all applications, requests, certifications, and other documents submitted to a federal agency or governing body pertaining to export control compliance or licenses.

Associate Vice President for Industry, Innovation, and Translation (Christine Dixon Thiesing)

Technology Transfer Instruments (when value is set: $2,000,000 and less; when value is not set: $2,000,000 and less anticipated consideration in the first five years of the instrument), including, but not limited to, responses to requests for proposals, teaming agreements, agreements conveying or assigning rights to intellectual property, any instrument pertaining to intellectual property, collaborative research agreements with corporate/private sector sponsors, and letters of support; all data use agreements, material transfer agreements and non-disclosure agreements; Data Privacy Agreements resulting from an Option or License Agreement.

Associate Vice President, Sponsored Projects Services (Valerie Whelan)
All proposals, grants, contracts, including modifications, and related documents under which the university receives or provides research, instruction, outreach/engagement or other related awards from, or to, an external entity valued at $1,000,000 or less. Such related documents include: sub-grants, sub-contracts, and sub-awards; services agreements; legal instruments governed by the Federal Acquisition Regulations (FARs); consortium agreements and memoranda of understanding for the conduct of research; cooperative agreements for the conduct of research, instruction, outreach/engagement or other related awards; technology transfer instruments and, agreements to provide services using UO research equipment.
Contracts Officer, Sponsored Project Services (Jesse Conway)

All proposals, grants, contracts, including modifications, and related documents under which the university receives or provides research, instruction, outreach/engagement or other related awards from, or to, an external entity valued at $500,000 or less.  Such related documents include: sub-grants, sub-contracts, and sub-awards; services agreements; legal instruments governed by the Federal Acquisition Regulations (FARs); consortium agreements and memoranda of understanding for the conduct of research; cooperative agreements for the conduct of research, instruction, outreach/engagement or other related awards; technology transfer instruments; non-disclosure/confidentiality agreements associated with the exchange of information for the preparation of proposals in support of all of the above activities; and all applications, requests, certifications, and other documents submitted to a federal agency or governing body pertaining to export control compliance or licenses.

Associate Director, Innovation Partnership Services (Orca Merwin)
Technology Transfer Instruments (when value is set: $10,000 and less; when value is not set: $10,000 and less anticipated consideration in the first five years of the instrument).   

Associate Director, Innovation Partnership Services (Christine Gramer)

Technology Transfer Instruments (when value is set: $10,000 and less; when value is not set: $10,000 and less anticipated consideration in the first five years of the instrument).  

Associate Director for Conflict of Interest and Export Controls (Mandy Gettler)

Authority of Empowered Official as defined by 22 C.F.R. §120.67, including authority to: 

  • Sign license applications or other requests for approval on behalf of the University of Oregon,
  • Inquire into any aspect of a proposed export, temporary import, or brokering activity, and
  • Verify the legality of export control transactions and the accuracy of information to be submitted.

Export Controls Officer (Ethan Mapes)

Authority of Empowered Official as defined by 22 C.F.R. §120.67, including authority to: 

  • Sign license applications or other requests for approval on behalf of the University of Oregon,
  • Inquire into any aspect of a proposed export, temporary import, or brokering activity, and
  • Verify the legality of export control transactions and the accuracy of information to be submitted.
Senior Associate Vice President and Director of Financial Aid, (Jim Brooks); Senior Associate Director, Student Financial Aid (Mark Diestler)
Financial Aid Awards; External Scholarship Agreements; Financial Aid and Scholarship Endowment Agreements; Scholarship Contracts; Off-Campus Employer Federal Work-Study Agreements (including amendments).
Associate Director, Student Financial Aid (Michelle Holdway)
Financial Aid Awards; External Scholarship Agreements; Financial Aid and Scholarship Endowment Agreements; Scholarship Contracts.

Assistant Dean for Student Affairs, School of Law (Sarah Keiski)

All Law Journals New Author Agreements on the following conditions:

  • The template agreement is not substantively altered by the University of Oregon or the author (i.e., you may only insert information in the spaces where information is needed to complete the template agreement); and
  • No money is exchanged under the agreement.
* The delegated signature authorities listed here apply to the particular position titles cited and may only be exercised by a person while they are serving in such an identified position. The authorities conferred to a position continue in effect unless and until modified by a superseding delegation.

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