Mario Perez: Embracing a low-stress work environment

A man stands in a classroom setting holding a broom

Mario Perez


What area do you work in, within the VPFA portfolio?
Campus Planning and Facilities Management: I work in Facilities Services. 

What is your current position, and what are your job responsibilities?
Custodian, Cleaning Hendricks, Part of PLC and Part of McKenzie

What has been your career path; how did you land your current position?
I owned an Abby’s Pizza Franchise for 20 years; I sold the business and took ten years off. A friend asked for help
opening an IHOP franchise in Del Rio Texas, a year later I decided to move back to Oregon. I worked at Eugene Forest
Products until they slowed down in 2008. I then opened a pizza place in Pleasant Hill with a neighbor for three years. I 
took a 6 month break after that, and decided to find a job that was not in the food industry, just something to keep me 
occupied. I found the job at the University of Oregon as a custodian.

What is your work history and education that enabled you to attain your current position? 
I have mostly worked in the food industry, as an owner/operator which was more
stressful. I wanted to stay active and have a job that was mostly stress free.

How has working at UO enabled your professional goals and interests?
It is keeping me active.

What do you like about your current position? 
It is a way to stay occupied. It’s not too stressful.

What advice would you have for someone thinking of applying to the UO? 
Do the best you can do. Do a good job, Work hard and you can achieve your goals.

Please share a little about yourself personally
  • Family: I have been married to my wife for 6 years. I have 3 grown children.
  • Favorite food: I like home-cooked meals, which I’m happy to prepare, but my wife is also a very good cook.
  • If you could only take three items with you to a deserted island, what would they be? A good book, food and water.

How do you want to be remembered? As a normal happy-go-lucky guy. Life is too short to be upset.
(August 2017)