What area do you work in within the VPFA portfolio?
Human Resources - Operations
What is your current position, and what are your job responsibilities?
Senior HR Specialist. My job responsibilities are working with units and payroll to facilitate, review, and approve Officer of Administration (OA) and faculty pay change requests and other actions. These include a wide variety of actions, including the processing and review of Payroll Request Forms (PRFs), sabbatical application reviews, overload requests, one time payments, unpaid appointments, and many other duties.
What has been your career path? How did you end up in your current position?
I started working in Financial Aid as a temporary employee in 1981! I then made a move to a job in the Career Center followed by a promotion to Management and Budget. I have been in this job for 20 years and have been through many reorganizations. First, I was part of Institutional Research, then we were part of Unclassified Personnel Services. Now my job is in Human Resources, and I am just starting my 39th year with the University of Oregon!
What obstacles have you overcome in your career?
Believe it or not we had to learn to use computers.

What do you like about your current position?
I love working with the units on campus and helping them complete necessary forms and paperwork. I have met a lot of wonderful people on campus. I enjoy the opportunities to volunteer and I have worked on the Food Drive and Charitable Fund Drive for many years.
Family: I have 2 sisters, 2 children, and 4 grandchildren.
If you could only take three items with you to a deserted island, what would they be?
My grandchildren, my 3 dogs, and plenty of food to keep everyone happy.
How do you want to be remembered?
That I was never too busy to be helpful and kind to others.
(April 2021)